write up ctf by ariafatah

ariaf.my.id/ctf_aria/general/M_PW Crack 5.html


Can you crack the password to get the flag?
Download the password checker here and you’ll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too.
Here’s a dictionary with all possible passwords based on the password conventions we’ve seen so far.


  • Opening a file in Python is crucial to using the provided dictionary.
  • You may need to trim the whitespace from the dictionary word before hashing. Look up the Python string function, strip
  • The str_xor function does not need to be reverse engineered for this challenge.


wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/32/level5.py
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/32/level5.flag.txt.enc
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/32/level5.hash.bin
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/32/dictionary.txt

cat level5.flag.txt.enc
# G
# V      t1s_QhYWP:VQWTH

cat level5.hash.bin
# �5.v�`��f/pߚ

head dictionary.txt
# 0000
# 0001

python3 level5.py
# Please enter correct password for flag: 0000
# That password is incorrect

## sama seperrti sebelumnya hanya saja password yang dibutuhkan adalah teks yang ada pada file
  • saya tambahkan code untuk open file dan mencoba untuk melakukan looping
    pw_list = open('dictionary.txt').read().split()
    for i in pw_list:
      # print(i)
      decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), i)
  • dan ini hasilnya ketika di run
    python3 level5.py | grep pico
    # grep: (standard input): binary file matches
    python3 level5.py | grep --text pico
    # qjf=BWC)i70:^picod4<f\1bg13492x
    # picoCTF{h45h_sl1ng1ng_40f26f81}

